Give the Drummer Some's
Favorite Downloads from the MP3 Blogosphere
Hey, no one gets how the Interwebs is all about getting stuff for free. Mining the Audio Motherlode is nothing if not a blissful survey of spectacular sounds that cost you nothing but the time it takes to snag 'em. Saving you time as well as legal tender, your faithful Miner does all the hunting and gathering, inspecting the wares at many hundreds of music blogs—so you don't have to!
Now the Miner comes to you, illuminated helmet in hand, asking for a small contribution to the cause. You see, the Motherlode is a labor of love: For 50 weeks a year, the Miner provides the labor; for these 2 weeks, it is incumbent upon all Motherlodes to provide a little love.
Take a moment and drop a few coins in the virtual tip jar below. Help us get raise 100% of our goal and get ready for another cornucopia of sonic delights next week.
As a gift to you readers and listeners of my radio show, Give the Drummer Some, I have produced Going Out of Their Heads, an insane, 2-CD assemblage of whacked-out warblers, psychotic singers and loony tunesters, losing it before your very ears. (This follows an '05 compilation I created called Loony Tunes, which is available here for free!) To receive this handmade, one-of-a-kind collection, please make a pledge, above, of $75 or more. Thank you.
Big THANKS to Holly in NC for adopting the Miner for 2012!