Give the Drummer Some's
Favorite Downloads from the MP3 Blogosphere
Hey, no one gets how the Interwebs is all about getting stuff for free. Mining the Audio Motherlode is nothing if not a blissful survey of spectacular sounds that cost you nothing but the time it takes to snag 'em. Saving you time as well as legal tender, your faithful Miner does all the hunting and gathering, inspecting the wares at many hundreds of music blogsāso you don't have to!
Now the Miner comes to you, illuminated helmet in hand, asking for a small contribution to the cause. You see, the Motherlode is a labor of love: For 50 weeks a year, the Miner provides the labor; for these 2 weeks, it is incumbent upon all Motherlodes to provide a little love.
Take a moment and drop a few coins in the virtual tip jar below. Help us get raise 100% of our goal and get ready for another cornucopia of sonic delights next week.
As a gift to you readers and listeners of my radio show, Give the Drummer Some, I have produced Going Out of Their Heads, an insane, 2-CD assemblage of whacked-out warblers, psychotic singers and loony tunesters, losing it before your very ears. (This follows an '05 compilation I created called Loony Tunes, which is available here for free!) To receive this handmade, one-of-a-kind collection, please make a pledge, above, of $75 or more. Thank you.
Big THANKS to Holly in NC for adopting the Miner for 2012!
Huh? Weird economics! One could get the original music for any compilation for 1/10th of that 'pledge' sum you're asking for with all the gall in the world!
Damn you and your retarded blog. You're nothing but a bunch of on-line thieves stealing any money they could get their white nerdy hands on (prolly using in the process another bunch of Mexicans and black Africans willing to chuck the dosh).
"Saving you time as well as legal tender, your faithful Miner does all the hunting and gathering...", For piss' sake! Who in hell wrote this bumf? Legal tender? Huh again? Who are you trying to fool here? Get a real off-line/meatspace job you dumbwads.
Posted by: Anony-mous | March 02, 2012 at 09:28 PM
Anony-mous, you are one big weirdo. What's your beef? Got angry because you didn't find those great links that are supposed to be here every Wednesday? Or are you angry that a radio station like WFMU needs to ask its listeners for money?
If I could I'd love to kick your likely to be white trash ass.
Take a hike to facebook, this is probably more up your alley!
Posted by: Conrad | March 03, 2012 at 06:57 AM
U Mad, son?
Posted by: Anony.mous | March 07, 2012 at 02:07 PM