I always thought it was a bit of a bummer that while I was enjoying myself at Hawkwind's Strange Daze festival somewhere on the other side of the ocean (well, Paris) Princess Diana was being hunted down by a pack of wild journalists. While at the fest I traded some high end beers to the guy that ran Ceres Records for a copy of Assassins of Silence, his Hawkwind tribute compilation. The most astounding piece of music on this disc was Puff Tube's version of Quark, Strangeness & Charm. Enjoy:
Oh, btw, Puff Tube, aka Scott Pickering was going to provide me a great mix of Puff Tube music but it was derailed. So instead, since he drummed for one of my all time favorite Cleveland bands The Flat Can Co, Process of Weeding Out beyond damaged feedback ritual music, check it instead:
Oh, and a special shout out to internet personality Jon Williams aka WizardIsHungry for this entertaining commentary on the whole Kraftwerk/MoMa thing. Props to someone never afraid to speak his mind. Oh, and yeah, I know it was already tweeted about by the official WFMU twitter, but whatever.
My favourite Puff Tube track is "Sugar Shack" which appears on a compilation called Hotel Cleveland Volume III - http://www.myspace.com/pufftube/music/songs/sugar-shack-17922101
It starts off like something unlistenable from V/VM then turns into some kind of warped B52s thing.
Posted by: Armchairexp | April 15, 2012 at 05:25 PM