As you probably are aware, the WFMU Annual Fundraising Marathon starts next Monday, Feb 20th (well, you know now, don'tcha?). As the staff goes into this undertaking, the word PLEDGE gets repeated over and over again in a relatively short period of time. After awhile, the word goes unnoticed, yet it's an odd word just the same. We pledge allegiance to the flag, or at least sometime in our lives we Americans have been asked to do so. Our country is certainly enjoying watching the disorderly process the Republicans have been undertaking to determine who might lead the USA in that important pledge of allegiance next January 20th. It's not a leap year word per se, but the word pledge certainly seems to have something to do with leaping, jumping, dancing or urging in some way. And I know you're all dying to go and spray your furniture at the moment..
The Pledge Music site has been garnering attention; it's tag line is: "the new business of making music." Yes; it's that word again. Poking through the site, I found some familiar faces who are in the midst of putting together new recording projects, and asking (with rewards attached) the public for a little push of their own. Friend of WFMU, Hugh Cornwell's Pledge Music campaign for his new record "Totem and Taboo" ends in 45 days; Richard Barone's putting out a reissue on the 25th anniversary of his "Cool Blue Halo" release, and there are 26 days left in the campaign Ian McCulloch has on the same site for his next solo record. It's a busy time in pledge-land!
I will leave you with a lovely duet: Art-Brut and Hugh Cornwell with a great version of the Stranglers' Dutchess, posted yesterday on; eagle-eyed by WFMU's own Evan "Funk" Davies! Feast your ears, and yes, of course, sorry to mention it, please don't forget to pledge!