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February 19, 2012


The Slugger

Another great story. Thanks Kliph

Barry Rivadue

Fascinating, dark show biz history!


Great stuff, can't wait for the next one.


Wow! All your posts are terrific. Thank you.


I await the next article with bated breath! Top notch work, your articles have provided more insight on pop culture than anything I have read in the last few years.

Michael Powers

The best and most straightforward explanation of why gangsters controlled the clubs I've ever read.

Amazing, incredible, brilliant. Looking forward to the next article, I always love your stuff.


Fantastic - loved it.


You REALLY REALLY REALLY need to put all of these into a book of some sort!

Sid Montrose

Fascinating article, real life B movie stuff.

So is Mrs. Drake a tragic figure? Seems a little ambiguous. Having her reputation questioned by the FBI is hardly damning, particularly in that era.


This is one of the most interesting articles yet, but I gotta tell you, you're killing me with the white text on black background thing.

After reading one of your articles, I walk around the rest of the afternoon seeing horizontal stripes everywhere.

Michael Powers

I was looking at your posts just a few hours before you posted that article, wondering what you'd been working on since you hadn't posted a full article since October. Now I know. And it's a knockout.

Patrick Reddy


Tonia Kelso

Can yo offer a little information into the death of comedian Bill Hicks that is not mainstream news e.g "PREDICTED NINE 11/HOUSE RAIDED AND SHOT DEAD" I was friends with Sam Kinison his death... I will never get over it. I have wondered is there more of a government connection with Sam and his death as with Bill or am I just making more out of it than te actual event?

Thank You,
Tonia K
Las Vegas, NV

Kevin K.

Kevin K. said...

Another astonishing article, Kliph. When are you going to make a documentary of this era?


Great article as always - very minor detail to correct pedantically: LaGuardia Airport is immediately north, not south, of Jackson Heights.

Pat Browning

This knocked me out of my chair. I must have led a sheltered life -- I had no idea. Guess all those rumors were true!
Thanks for some great reading!

Zazoo in Oklahoma

gary r.

I am troubled by your description of the behaviour and words of Janice Drake and Little Augie after they were abducted. From what sources did you conjure this up? As you state no one was ever arrested in connection with the murders, so one would assume there was no one around at the time of the murders to witness them.

Other than that, it's another excellent piece.


Descriptions of their final night (including attire, kidnap, series of events and what is apparently the wrong direction of "south on 94th") are derived from the subsequent newspaper reports in the AP that quote FBI and NYPD spokespersons, plus a couple of columns written 10-15 years later by a guy named Jim Bishop. As for the validity of their words, i have no idea, but that's the source.

Brent E

Damn good piece, am looking forward to more.

The Gatineau Club wasn't in the Laurentian Mountains. It was at the base of the Gatineau Hills just outside Ottawa. I know this because I went there as a kid with my dad.

Stu Miller

PLEASE change the format of this fascinating blog to the conventional black font on white background! It's very difficult to read it as-is. Thanks. Smm

Stu Miller

Editor: Please forward to Kliph Nesteroff, along with my email address.

Dear Kliph: Assuming you receive this, please contact me. I have an interesting writing project for you to consider. Thanks. Stu

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Kliph...your writing is BRILLIANT! Although a documentary sounds like a good idea, I doubt seriously that one would OR could capture that brilliance. Good example- IMHO, Stephen King has never even adaquately been captured on film. Thxs for all your hard work. Very much looking forward to reading more from your pen. tst

p.s. Although I appreciate those of your readers who dislike the white font on black background, I find it SOOOO VERRRY MUCH easier on the eyes than the standard of black on white. Looking at a screen of words all day in black on white makes my head feel as if it's about to explode. I like this format. ...just my two cents

p.s.s. Came to know of your work through the terrific WTF podcast of Marc Maron. Thxs to Marc for the heads-up.

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