Seriously, I was trying to think of what I wanted to say this week, but this animated gif is more eloquent than I could ever be. We're halfway through the WFMU marathon now and I felt I should take this opportunity to talk about how great FMU is, and how lucky I feel to play my small role in this cultural pirate utopia, but, you know...this guy is flying through the air riding a goddamn alligator. An alligator of all things!
I had imagined this heartfelt post I was going to write about how FMU is a beacon of freedom in the world, tirelessly blasting out quality obscure music and intelligent, entertaining talk that you just can't get from any other source. I was thinking up metaphors like WFMU is a cookie dough chunk in the bland vanilla sea of commercial radio. For a while this week, I'd considered doing a bunch of research about anarchist colonies and open source software, and I was going to write this thoughtful treatise synthesizing those two disparate topics and explaining how FMU is a unique model of collective action in non-coercive semi-hierarchical social structures. But then, well, long story short, this guy is riding a flying alligator.
If I had my way, I’d take this opportunity to thank all the listeners who pledged last week, and thank all the amazing volunteers who come down to the station to answer phones and cook meals. But of course I can't do that. I can't talk about how the marathon is a manic, stressful, exhausting, miserable couple weeks that's also my favorite time at FMU because it's when I see all the DJs together and with all the volunteers running around and listeners pledging I can really get a sense of being a part of this grand experiment in nonprofit radio. Those would be great topics to write about. Flying Alligator Man, though, has other plans. Plans I can't do nothin about.
So I'll just stop this post here and let everyone bask in the glory of this animated gif. Hopefully next time I have a blog post to write I won't get usurped by a glorious image like this. But that's what happened this week, and so I'm going to graciously bow out, because as I said, there's nothing I can write that a man riding a flying alligator can't express better.
The obsessive/compulsive, monkey-minded (to coin a Zen term) part of me really really wants to know the provenance of that video, but really, it's just better to know that somewhere out there, the image exists of a man in a gold lamé suit surfing through the sky on an alligator.
Thank you sir! You have made my day.
Posted by: Ricardo Montalban | February 27, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Thanks so much for the post. Great read!! Really looking forward to read more. Want more.
Posted by: Thomas G | February 27, 2012 at 11:48 AM
Ricardo, I am meme-deficient, but I happen to know that one. It's Ace Rimmer saving the day, on the series Red Dwarf.
Posted by: Vesper | February 27, 2012 at 03:33 PM
well stated.
Posted by: texas scott | February 27, 2012 at 05:10 PM
Odd thing is, I now have lyrics from America's "Ventura Highway" stuck in my brain!
"...'Cause the free wind is blowin' through your hair
And the days surround your daylight there
Seasons crying no despair
Alligator lizards in the air, in the air ..."
Posted by: Jabberwocky | February 28, 2012 at 12:02 PM
Now with awesome lyrics!
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