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April 20, 2012



Love olĀ“ Dick trying to pull that girl at the beginning. Bet he had a nickname for the stare he gives her.


WHC channel 17 perhaps?

vincebus e. ruptum

The first band to crank it up to 11! The Bandstand appearance is from early 68 and I remember it like it was yesterday. Check it out in full screen and get a good look at the drums - kept in place here with sandbags. In live performances the band had a continuous rumble going on that could be measured on the Richter scale. The crew would nail the drum kit to the stage so the drums wouldn't walk away from Paul Whaley. This guest shot was something of a wakeup call for Dick Clark and his audience - the Freaks have landed!


When is someone going to post the Steve Allen Show appearance?I've seen it advertised on some bootleg CD's.Also,somewhere there are two more songs from the Feathers From Your Tree appearance.One last wish would be Parchman Farm from the Demo Tape in '67!Anybody knowing the where a bouts of any of these above mentioned them for all us Blue Cheer Fans!

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