This one's especially weighty for me, since I hail from Sandburg's birthplace of Galesburg, IL. Not much I can say about Sandburg himself: he's ingrained in my mind as a legend, due in no small part to Galesburg's constant celebration of his talent. But on Caedmon's 1961 issue of Rootabaga Stories as Told by Carl Sandburg, the bygone poesy's rich voice and lofty cadence bring new life to some of these stories, and they go great with a few highballs and an open window during these wondrous spring months. From the aforementioned recording, enjoy "How Six Pigeons Came Back to Hatrack the Horse After Many Accidents and Six Telegrams," below.
Oh how I love these stories, and "How six pigeons ..." is probably the best of the lot. Hearing this again takes me back to a wonderful time. Thank you.
I wish I could get the whole album to listen to with my kids.
Posted by: Laura Giletti | May 17, 2012 at 02:07 PM