This post is exactly what it says it is. American noise performance artist Crank Sturgeon, a legend of ecstatic absurdity, playing a set while ostensibly taking a dump. I caught Crank this past weekend at the Ende Tymes festival in Bushwick, and although I'd seen him blow me away in years past, it really hit home for me this time around that Crank is a clown in the most classical and creative sense of the term. The man is beyond noise and beyond comedy, a consummate performer who can never be imitated. And with that, "Crank has a movement in Lowell" (as the uploader of the video puts it):
Punk from the silver jumpsuited near future. Love the super heavy guitar in the last 2 minutes. Typically great WFMU alert to what's grockin!
Posted by: boil | June 01, 2012 at 12:55 AM
Okay, this maniac needs to play Lemp Arts. I'd pay an extra five on top of door to bare witness to this.
Posted by: Jonathan Steinke | June 12, 2012 at 06:15 PM