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June 30, 2012


Keith Scott

Another winner: the underbelly of old show biz is just as fascinating as the mainstream. VARIETY's reviews were surprisingly biased considering it was the famous showbiz paper of record. I'm wondering if Bourbon ever ended up in a cartoon: Rudy Ising once spoke of how female impersonators from a well-known Hollywood gay club turned up to audition at Harman-Ising for the then new field of sound cartoons, circa 1931 (Ising was involved in the earliest Merrie Melodies and Bosko cartoons at the time).


Brownwood Texas, with a jail architecturally designed to emulate a medieval castle, is the town where they pulled Midnight Cowboy for being obscene? Sounds like great Song or Movie material! Have heard the court documents in Brown County are missing! Wonder how much has changed since Bourbon's stay in Brownwood?


Astonishing research once again artfully reconstituted into another wonderful story.

The 1931 El Paso Herald Post? NO ONE IS DOING THAT. Research game is tight.

Artful too with phrases like "padlocked consequence" and "likeminded performers of oscillating competence" which would make for a wonderful sketch comedy group name. Strong work.


Another great article. Is it safe to assume that Bourbon died in prison?

MrFab has all of his/her albums up for free download, from early 78s, up thru the 60s, with titles like " A Trick Aint Always A Treat." He speaks more than sings (a la Rex Harrison) his catty, suggestive funny songs, usually accompanied by piano.


Fascinating. I can only hope all these articles are collected into a book someday. Any chance you could one on Brother Dave Gardner?


You write the most amazing articles! Every one is a great read, and I almost always learn something I never knew about entertainers I thought I did know. Thank you very much for giving me hours of reading pleasure.

(If you have a book available, or if one is in the works, please let me know. Thanks again!)


Kudos on a great post, touching on many articles we've not seen so far. The El Paso piece is particularly interesting - if Ray inherited a fortune in 1931, it could explain how he got the money to tour through Europe, own his own nightclub in Los Angeles, release his own records, and own a house in LA in the 30s and 40s. Perhaps his money ran out in the late 40s or sometime in the 50s and that's why his life took such a strange turn.

JD Doyle

This is excellent, just excellent work.

Glinda Ridenour

The June 3, 1970 edition featured a startling plea buried on page fifty-one.

death records

With this blog you really took our attention to the points that we never thought about. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. All the best, way to go

nicole carmean

How is it this Blount character was able to get away with running a kennel and then selling this mans dogs to a chemical company for experaments? Who would do such a thing? Was that really bullshit? Wouldn't that be bad for business to run a kennel and then let the word get out that they sold the dogs for experaments and let them die a horrable death? The guy was a monster!!!!

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