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August 04, 2012


Bob L

For an eye-opening look at US propaganda during WWII, see the book
"War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War" by John W. Dower.
In general, anti-Japanese propaganda was far more racist and offensive than the anti-German propaganda of the same period - Germans were depicted as thuggish, insane brutes, but Japanese tended to be portrayed as not-even-human, as you point out above.

Kimber Cheung

The concerns of World War II America are laid bare: it's scared, defiant, and strangely obsessed.

Cherish Sauls

He will fill your children full of death. The wolf wants more.

woolrich outlet

I painted this old cupboard white using Porters milk paint but decided it was rather boring all white so I painted the door recesses a rather nice chocolate (yes its Cadburys brown!)

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