Give the Drummer Some's
Favorite Downloads from the MP3 Blogosphere
In the realm of record collecting, valuing obscure for obscure's sake is pretty lame. If that impossibly rare disc you just liberated from a dusty dollar bin is impossible to listen to, what's the point? Nevertheless, there's an undeniable thrill that comes with unearthing some vinyl marvel that few before you have laid ears on. The quintet of offerings in today's Motherlode are all new to me, and judging by the dearth of information available online, they will be new to most readers, too.
Even my old standby of searching WFMU's mile-deep playlist database revealed next-to-nothing. Only one of the five LPs—the loopy, psycho-electronica from Emil Richards (see below)—made an appearance. So quick, drop these beauties into your MP3 player, then call up WFMU and stump your favorite DJ.
Bidon K ~ Bidon K
(Blog: Boxes of Toys)
Speciak K
"A collective of three percussionists that play regular percussion in addition to modified/invented percussion instruments and electronics. Interesting stuff. Gets pretty out there on a few tracks with the electronics! Fans of Pierre Henry, Nurse with wound, Stockhausen, etc should take note." (Description taken from promo copy for an old posting at Collectors Frenzy)
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