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August 14, 2012



A great, essential album...One of my all time favorites...


I used to own this record and always enjoyed and DJed the heck out of it...I miss it ! I was hoping you had posted the whole stereo version as I think I only ever heard the mono mix. Worth me looking about for it again...


Ahhh -I see it has been remastered ! Wow - nice call by somebody !


Thank you for this. I was unfamiliar with Russ Garcia, so I'm glad to have a new name to look for.



To make it a little easier for you:

Atlantis: The Power
Los Angeles River
Sounds In The nigh
The Time Machine


Excellent, as far as it goes. Why not make the whole thing available?


If you can find a recording of "Lost Souls of Saturn" from Fantastica, post it: it's the Star Trek: TNG theme orchestrated by Stravinsky, recorded in Martin Denny's living room with Jack Lord serving drinks.

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