Radio Spot #1 (:26)
Radio Spot #2 (:59)
The web site Rural Route Films decribes this low-budget backwoods hillbilly flick this way: "Originally released under the unfortunate title Miss Jessica Is Pregnant (it was filmed under the title Spring Night, Summer Night), this 1968 portrait of poverty-stricken Appalachia represents a unique moment in the history of the American independent film. Shot entirely on location in Southern Ohio, the story of a young couple, who may or may not share a father, marks the start of a movement in regional cinema that became increasingly popular through the 1970s and 1980s as filmmakers took up the task of exploring an America outside of Hollywood. Today the film allows viewers a unique glimpse back in time, to witness the concerns and constraints of the "New American Cinema" when it was first taking shape. That the film bravely confronts incest - the most taboo of all rural stereotypes - without prejudice makes it all the more singular." The trailer, which features brief nudity, can be seen over on YouTube.
All of which kind of brings to mind a couple of jarringly weird "brother/sister love" country 45s that were blogged here long ago.
This is awesome, man. Thanks for sharing :)
Posted by: Account Deleted | October 24, 2012 at 08:18 PM