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October 31, 2012



Jimmy Forrest used two Ellington songs for Night Train, the bridge is based on Ellington's "Happy-Go-Lucky Local."


Ha ha - I imagine SCTV's Five Neat Guys bumbling their way thru this.


It's just a twelve-bar blues. And the Ames' performance has a nice big-band sound to it, just like the number.

Borneo Stew

Why the hell didn't you post the entire album? "September Song" is the killer song on this record, and nobody reading this gets to hear it. Chump!

Hackensack Slim

There's a Wynonie Harris version wit woids, that predates 1960, I believe.
Hackensack Slim

Listener Greg G.

Slim - thanks, I didn't now about that one, but it looks like it came out in 1952!

Wynonie sings Night Train! - via YouTube

Artie Mondello

In my nascent boozer days, Miriam Linna (a bad influence in just about every way for me) hepped me to the classic fortified wine of the same name, telling me that this song was actually named after said sauce. To this day, I've never heard another source claim that "Night Train" the song and Night Train the wine were joined at the hip, but to this day, I've never questioned it. This will always be a booze song first and foremost to me, and it will remain so, Mills Bros. or no Mills Bros....

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