It feels like we are livin' a dream. Unfortunately, it's not a very good one here in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts go out to everyone who was affected by the disaster, and we are seeking your input as we compile a list of ways to help (map for NYC | Nonsense List Resources | OccupySandy).
The super storm hit WFMU at full force, knocking out both of our transmitters (91.1 is still down), taking out our phones lines and kocking out electricity at our studios, including our live stream.
The water levels and lack of public transportation made it impossible to get to WFMU's blacked-out building for much of the week. Even with the stream down and Clay Pigeon & Therese trapped stranded at the station, WFMU's commenters continued to chat on our playlist. By mid-day Tuesday, a network of DJs revived our live stream from undisclosed locations like Doug Schulkind's Studio P, Dan Bodah's living room and Irwin's bunker (pictured L with Station Manager Ken, photo by John Dalton).
Fortunately, everybody from the WFMU staff is safe, and miraculously WFMU's basement did not flood, despite the Hudson River coming within 50 feet of our front door. But we are just beginning to unravel significant water & electrical damage to our facilities and equipment, forcing us into Disaster Marathon Mode.
Meanwhile, you may have seen what happened at the ConEd plant that powers lower Manhattan...
Record Fair is Cancelled and it's All Sandy's Fault
Due to the havoc, chaos, lack of electricity in NYC and general sludge based misery (who knew there was so much sludge in the world?) following Hurricane Sandy, we've had no choice but to call off the Record Fair. We're very sorry about this, but the Metropolitan Pavilion has no power, mass transit in NYC is still not working and there are no estimates as to when electric or transit will return to normal and we don't want a whole Mad Max thing on our hands. All dealers will be refunded their payments, and the Fair will return in the Fall of 2013. And this new 'Future Fair' will be even better, with flowing white robes, a teleportation booth and floating symetrical rings adorning everything. And a bonus performance from the recently cloned John Denver! All kidding aside, the cancellation of the record fair is a financial disaster for us: it turns an event that would've raised $70,000 into an event that loses almost that much.
Silent Fundraiser Extended
Thank you to everyone who has already given to our silent fundraiser which comes up during this time of year that our coffers run low. It is your support that helps us overcome ridiculous obstacles like the ones we are now facing.
Unfortunately, with all the damaged gear we're now discovering, and with the cancellation of the Record Fair, WFMU needs your support now more than ever to keep us afloat. Our silent fundraiser will be extended a few extra weeks, giving us more time to raise the funds we need to get through the next few months and to hopefully make up for lost income due to the Record Fair going kaput. Pledge now and please help spread the word because we need your help to get through this very difficult time. Money can't buy you love, but it can buy transmitter codecs, computer servers, and all the other stuff a radio station needs to regain (ab)normalcy.
it turns an event that would've raised $70,000 into an event that loses almost that much.
Posted by: Fernanda Perales | November 03, 2012 at 06:50 AM
I am impressed by the quality of information on this website. There are a lot of good resources here. I am sure I will visit this blog again soon.
Posted by: eventagency11 | November 05, 2012 at 05:45 AM
it turns an event that would've raised $70,000 into an event that loses almost that much.
Posted by: Louboutin Sale | November 09, 2012 at 08:07 PM
we are seeking your input as we compile a list of ways.
Posted by: Pearlene Jacks | November 10, 2012 at 01:11 AM
Why don't you hold the record fair now? Like right now? Like stop bitching about how you had to cancel it and just hold it... now.
Posted by: Fan | November 24, 2012 at 01:40 PM