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March 29, 2013



Just go here...really.

Jim Russell

I know how you feel about Google abandoning us. It looks like I've successfully made the move to The Old Reader ( with all of my feeds, including WFMU, intact. I'll let you know if I hit any bumps in the road, but it's looking good so far.

Doug Schulkind

Many thanks, Jim! I am importing my Google Reader subscriptions now to try out The Old Reader.


porco's is dead all of a sudden?? noooooooooooooooooo

Doug Schulkind

Oh drat!


I filled out the form on last Monday and it still hasn't imported the data about the feeds I was reading with Google reader (I've gone from being 31,271 in line to 1,197) so for the last day or so I've been trying, which imported the Google stuff very quickly. So far it looks like it can do the job, although I'll probably try theoldreader as well when it has my data.

Doug Schulkind

Bob, I've experienced the same thing. Yesterday, when I first clicked to import my Google Reader subscriptions, I started out at 23,000+ in line. About 24 hours later, I am now 8,302 in line. I'll give The Old Reader a whirl when everything is loaded, but this isn't a positive sign. So far, Feedly continues to do the trick, though I don't like the search interface as much as Google's.

Jim Russell

Yes, I believe they got a bit overwhelmed. "The Old Reader" is basically three people, trying to deal with a huge new influx of clients. The OPML import is not able to handle it. My approach was to take the opportunity to review my subscriptions, weed out the ones I was only reading out of habit, and adding the must-haves one by one into T.O.R. Not ideal, but I'm done now and it's not bad.

H. Badaud

dude: google chrome browser plus this extension is awesome.

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