In todays Comics Supplement we'll learn a bit about the early years of synchronized film sound and we'll find out about the USA's favorite fiddler (in 1947 at least).
About all that we know about the featured TRUE Comics is that they were produced as a subsidiary to Parents' Magazine, which was edited at the time by Clara Savage Littledale (about whom there is more information here, and also over here). The books themselves were edited by Harold C. Field, and art-directed by Ralph O. Ellsworth. Artists and writers were not credited (although a frequent writer for the series was Louis Wolfe, so he may well have scribed these two stories). They are fun books, and well-produced, though.
Let's check out excerpts from two issues of the 1940s right after the jump-!
from True Comics number 60, May 1947.
Next up - a little two-pager from True number 52, September 1946.
Not the most edifying or accurate capsule history but a cute document on its own I think.
These comic scans most likely came from the Digital Comics Museum, so thank you again to the fine folks over there.
As for Mr. Heifetz, he has his very own web page here, and we can even hear his popular song "When You Make Love to Me (Don't Make Believe)" in the clip below, enjoy!