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May 03, 2013



this is really awful. oasis, is that you? oh, no, it's only hipsters with fake British accents. next time have a contest where the winner wins something actually valuable or useful and you'll get better entries.


i love The Spaniard Who Blighted My Life


ItPerhaps every performer's dream is to be discovered, to be given the chance to showcase their talents. Joining competitions or talent searches is one way of getting your name out there and showing other people what you can do. Some artists and musicians are dying for recording contracts but do they really know how the music industry works? If you did not get any referral than look up .Before signing any music contracts, you need to educate yourself on the music industry itself. The music industry is fast-paced and ever-changing so you have to keep up!



HipHop Aufnahme Sensation Provy Suflayy veröffentlicht "A Star Brite Brite Burnin 'mit Rachel Schryvers für den Weltfrieden während Neuseeland Tour.

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