Well, last time around, I shared a 1960's record brought to us by the right wing zealots over at Key Records, and that got me to thinking about this insane reel of tape I came across years and years ago, featuring the exceptionally obnoxious ramblings of Revilo P. Oliver. Mr. Oliver (who said that being named palindromically was a family tradition), was notable for being a white supremacist and a founding member of both the National Review and of The John Birch Society.
That's enough to peg him as a fringe-dweller right there, but Revilo (and I wish it was pronounced like "Revile" - a feeling which he inspires in me - but I think the accent is on the first syllable) later decided that 1960's American conservatism was just too liberal, and he joined the National Alliance - part of the National Socialist movement - that's right, Neo-Nazis.
The tape features two lengthy lectures, each about an hour long. His main focus seems to be on simply expressing a smug superiority, never really saying too much about what his beliefs are, but rather spewing insults, simplifying and misrepresenting the views of those he considers vermin (i.e. anyone who isn't Western, Caucasian, or who doesn't agree with him), and giving lengthy examples of idiocy on the part of specific individuals, which somehow are meant to indict everyone on the other side of whatever issue he's on about.
There is so much gold here, it's hard to know where to start, but I did find two statements quite telling. The first is when he just sort of states, as fact (and in passing) that the only civilization that matters is the one "that we, the white men of the Western Hemisphere, created". And the second is when he actually says, in reference to what he called the "baneful" effects of slavery, adds that the worst of these baneful effects were on the owners.
Hold on your hats, wigs and keys, ladies and gentlemen, and have a listen to a first class wacko, Dr. Revilo P. Oliver:
Revilo P. Oliver - Liberals (MP3)
Revilo P. Oliver - Degeneracy (MP3)
Listening to his rants, I find myself wondering - if ol' Revilo were still around today, would he realize that much of the progress that has been made over the last 30 years has been developed, improved and made ubiquitous by the more progressive humans of this era, and that many of the biggest problems on Earth during that period have come from the tyrants, the religiously intolerant and other representatives of the far right?
But then I think of Revilo P. Oliver's political descendants (in the Tea Party and their ilk), and recognize that even they have failed to perceive those developments - so I assume that Oliver wouldn't have noticed, either.
You have the speech titles reversed. "Can Liberals Be Educated?" is the correct name of the 'degeneracy' mp3, and "Conspiracy or Degeneracy?" is the name of the other. Other recordings of Oliver can be found at http://revilo-oliver.com/ .
By the way, Oliver was far from a wacko and was not a Christian -- see his book (freely available online) _The Origins of Christianity_:
Posted by: Malcolm P. Shiel | May 27, 2013 at 08:06 AM
I think maybe he shot himself.
Posted by: Kray | May 27, 2013 at 03:59 PM
@Malcolm P. Shiel: Yes, he was not a Christian, because Christianity was too Jewish for his anti-Semitic worldview. He peddled John Bircher style conspiracy theories about American involvement in World War II and about the JFK assassination. He promoted holocaust denialism, too.
So he was a paranoid racist right wing nut job of the first order. When you look up "wacko" in the dictionary, you should see a picture of Revilo P. Oliver.
On the other hand, I don't think it's fair to link him to tea party groups or religious conservatives.
Posted by: William Centipede | May 28, 2013 at 10:44 AM
Wow, thank the secular heavens I'm foreign and not involved in any of this messy politics (we have our own!).
So, William Centipede, you think there's a clear dividing line between hating Obama politically and hating him racially? And is it really less racist to hate Muslims because they're Muslims than it is to look down on non-whites generally because they aren't white?
They're not the same, but they're comparable and connected. I'm a leftist, so if people want they can compare me to Stalin or the Red Army Faction, I suppose... lol! Can I deny it?!
PS. If Revilo were around today, he'd be too infuriated by Obama to notice anything else!
Posted by: Mogambo | May 29, 2013 at 06:08 AM
William Buckley founded National Review. Oliver was a friend of his and contributed in the early days (I think he wrote book reviews) but they had a falling out when Oliver joined the John Birch Society.
Posted by: Beauregard T. Gassblasst | June 01, 2013 at 04:19 PM
@Beauregard T. Gassblasst
Such matters are paltry details. We've got smearing-by-association to do here!
Posted by: Chas C-Q | June 06, 2013 at 04:58 PM