"Did you ever hear a melody of murder, a dirge of doom, a tune of terror? Heh-heh! Sharpen you ears and they will catch that strain right now! Many things are possible in this strange world. I should know ... I'm one of those things myself! So harken closely and get the wits scared out of you!"
Thus goes the cheerful introduction to another happy little WFMU comics supplement, courtesy our host The Thing, coming from his very own comic book "The Thing" number five, from the October/November 1952 issue.
It appears that mayhem of every nasty kind has been perpetrated in the comics world by music and musicians, so let's look in on another poor soul done in by one of nature's most deadly forces -- right after the jump!
And now on to some Horrible Harmony!
I must say, I can understand how ol' 'Bruno Augustin' could get on your nerves! Just what was he up to with those piano rehearsals? He was certainly well on his way to creating a rather interesting and destructive musical performance art! Well, we'll never know what we lost, but others have picked up the gauntlet he threw down in 1952 and produced some pretty destructive sounds.
On our left here is the cover for this charming book, as drawn by Lou Morales.
The scans this week again come through the courtesy of the army of uploaders over at the Digital Comics Museum, where the reek of old pulp paper will waft right out of your computer!