No moon tonight? And you say that you can hear the faint and ghostly strains of an organ coming from -
where? And played by - who? Strap yourself in tight for today's WFMU Comic Supplement, as we have a "Strange and baffling tale of mystery that defies human comprehension".
Courtesy of Merit Publications, Inc. and its editor Adolphe Barreaux, a bit of post-comics-code toned-down horror and spookiness that features some of my favorite pseudo-gothic elements: a big old cobwebby scary house, and a dusty old organ that plays itself in the middle of the night. Join our unnamed private detective hero and his sidekick 'Sally' as he attempts to unravel the secret of the Music of Mystery - right after the jump!
As in so many post-code 'mystery/horror books that had once displayed full-on gruesome and terrifying tales, the magazine plays down the supernatural elements for the most part. This little eight-pager does have some nice atmosphere all the same. And as you'll discover, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the set-up on the cover!
Whew! That little boy with the chicken legs kinda scares me!
And I thought I had some skinny calves!
Before we go - I can't resist a peek at this funny ad from the same book.
Hmmm - seems almost too good to be true: "20 Dresses for $3.50". And they also offer a "Rummage Surprise". Hard to resist the sound of that! It includes "Underwear, coaties, pajamas, bloomers, etc. 20 useful articles at only $2.19". With an order of $5.00 or more they'll even throw in a pair of hose!
But wait - what's this line about "Excellent condition. Slight repair needed" ?
Oh! I see - I should have read the VERY small print-!
Again this week - thanks go out to the many scanners, image editors and uploaders who fatten the library of newspaper and comic-book comics over at the Digital Comics Museum, where this book was borrowed from.
I have nothing, except the odd feeling at times that I was looking at Trina Robbins, who was decades later than this. Could our mystery artist be a woman, at any rate?
Posted by: Kip W | July 10, 2013 at 11:43 AM
Interesting observation! I've had that feeling before, certainly, and this art does have a different vibe to it, possibly indicating a female artist. Good call.
Posted by: Mindwrecker | July 11, 2013 at 09:44 AM