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August 04, 2013



Hello, Clarence "Frog Man" Henry, we salute you!

cavorting with nudists

Froggy Landers' other disc, Hound favorite "Cherokee Dance," is way hepper:


This is absolutly amazing. I mean your blog and this record as well.

Gary Snyder

This record has been something of the holy grail for me, searching to recapture some of my carefree days as a kid, listening to Froggy...

Dave Rittinger

Has he made any other recordings, I can't seem to find any info on frog man..

Bob Purse


Thanks, Phil, for the nice words! And Dave, as Cavorting (the previous poster) indicated, there is a youtube clip for his only other known record here:


Bob Purse

And hey, Gary - glad I could fill in a gap in your musical life!

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