Back in June, I posted a tape containing some radio station and advertising jingles, from circa 1957, all of them apparently demos. There was a nice response, and I got to thinking that there was at least one other tape from the same batch which was similarly marked.
Well I've found that second box this week, and while it doesn't have the variety or length of the first tape, there are still some nice items. These are also all radio jingles, and from seemingly all over the country, too. but there are no products advertised here. And again, based on the box, it appears that these are demos, rather than finished products.
These are SO short (there are 13 jingles in barely 5 1/2 minutes), that I did not separate them into separate tracks, but I will list here the radio stations which are advertised, with the cities where mentioned:
KMYR 710 Denver - WIL 1430 - KJOE 1480 Shreveport - WINS Weather Jingle - KOIM 1290 - KDOK 1330 Tyler - WHB 710 - KCBQ - WKDA Sports Jingle - WQAM 560 Miami - WSAI 1360 News Jingle - KLIF Dallas (two jingles for this station)
Radio Stations Jingles Demo Reel (MP3)
And now, here's another radio related tape which may be of interest. Whoever owned this tape used it again to record some fairly awful country music (and they didn't even record it very well), but through the magic of half-track recording, the original material is still present on the second side of the tap, so we all get to here it here.
This is a tape from an advertising jingle company called Pepper Sound Studios, from some time in the early to mid 1960's. The tape begins with some testimonials from satisfied customers in the radio industry (heard in part one, below), then moves on to the meat of the material, a series of commercials done for a variety of products - examples of the work that Pepper Sound Studios was capable of. This can be heard in part two, below, followed by a sales pitch, also in part two.
Pepper Sound Studios Presentation, Part One: Testimonials (MP3)
Pepper Sound Studios Presentation, Part Two: Sample Ads and Sales Pitch (MP3)
The radio station jingle reel noted above is PAMS Series 8 - with Terry Lea Jenkins singing the lead vocals.
As for the Pepper Sound Studios... the company became Pepper-Tanner; Wm B. Tanner and then Media General Broadcast Services. The company shut down and its assets were sold to TM Productions (now TM Studios).
Posted by: Tray Carman | September 02, 2013 at 10:27 AM