"When Kathy Williams got a chance to work with the world-famous television, recording and motion picture
organization, the Spike Jones Orchestra, it looked as though her romance might go on the rocks. It took genial Spike himself to straighten things out and show Kathy's boy friend that careers and marriage do mix..."
Yup - Mr. Jones is back again this week in comic-book form (we've had a visit from him once before at WFMU here). Today's first feature comes from the yellowed pages of Youthful Romances magazine, a series which we have also examined in this blog previously here. Their gimmick was to include celebrity cameos in what was otherwise an ordinary adult romance book. "Love Me, Love My Job!" comes from issue # 15, January 1953.
Our bonus second story on this frosty Saturday comes from the 30th issue of Comic Cavalcade (December 1948), a 76-page, 15 cent funny animal magazine from DC Comics (National Periodicals), wherein we'll meet a snazzy assortment of musically-inclined undersea dwellers and one oyster with vocalization issues. Join us after the jump for these two fun tales!
Ahhh, the old 'make 'em jealous' solution...pretty surefire.
For our closer today we'll shift gears somewhat for this cute humor tale by New York-born artist
Howard (Howie) Post.
Awwww...So sweet.
I must extend thanks and apologies to the wonderful blog Four-Color Shadows, where I discovered the Oyster story this week. I hate to steal one of his posts so soon after he published it, but this one is SUCH a gem, with lovely art and script, that I couldn't help myself. Thanks, Booksteve.