I recently acquired four rather wonderful production reels, the product of someone named Bob Hahn, featuring works created for the Canadian Radio market. These seem to have been sampler reels, and like many of the commercials I've been lucky enough to come across from the '50's and early '60's, they are all really nice, and quite magical in places. Today, the tape labeled as the first of the four: This particular reel is dated October 9, 1961, which (and this is entirely unrelated) was also John Lennon's 21st birthday.
I've grouped them together where there were ads for the same product, unless those ads included full minute ads, which I've largely separated out into their own files. A few are no more than music beds, and many contain instrumental passages meant for voiceovers. In all, there are 20 ads heard within the 11 tracks below.
A few notes on the tracks:
Track three is interesting in that it contains the voices of some Canadian radio personalities, including Gordon Sinclair, who would become more well known in the US over a decade later, when he wrote and recorded the original version of the spoken word hit "The Americans". I don't know what "Big 8" was (featured in track 5) - there is a soft drink company by that name in Canada, but it only seems to have existed for the last 30 years or so. Tracks 8 & 9 sound identical to me, but were separate on the list and the tape, so both are included. And although track 11 does not metnion the Dow company (at least, I don't hear it) in the lyrics, this ad is referred to on the "take sheet" (reproduced below) as "Dow Square Dance".
Enjoy! There are more where these came from!
Comments can be sent to [email protected] - I will try to add any received to this post.
Nice to hear a classic Sussex Golden Ginger Ale Jingle.....I still drink it on a regular basis, as it's still made up here in the Maritimes (Atlantic Canada!)
Posted by: scott s | July 09, 2014 at 09:34 PM
This weather jingle (track 2) is so perfect. I work at a National Weather Service office where we give our own staff occasional weather briefings (change of shift, morning update, etc.). I have to use this one day.
Posted by: Link Crawford | July 20, 2014 at 03:55 PM