"How many times have you seen a ghost story on television? Did it leave you frightened, fearful
that ghosts really exist? Of course it didn't . . . Yet, could you really be sure? Perhaps this tale will change your mind, for you are about to witness the real-life results of the spine-chilling stories told on . . . Station G.H.O.S.T!"
Another excerpt from today's selections:
"Roger Dorn loved beautiful music - - but not when the hands that played it were those of a man he had murdered!"
Ok, well, there's also this to look forward to on our banquet today:
"It was a novel idea . . . This dance on the large native drum! Patrons crowded the exclusive New York night club to see the famous Annette perform! But as the exotic dancer's feet began tapping out a rhythmic tattoo, strange things commenced happening . . .Horrible, unearthly things! And the giant Haitian tom-tom became a drum of doom!"
Yes, as you can see, we have four stories from the dark side of music and entertainment today, including a dance of doom to go with that drum of doom, either way there's plenty of accursed doom to go around for everyone in our bounty of comic book sickness this week at the WFMU Comic Supplement! Take your seat and dig in - right after the jump!
Cover art for this Out of the Night by Ken Bald.
Now we'll swing over to DC comics and look at stories from three 1950s issues of House of Mystery, the first one coming from #25, April 1954, with cover and story art by the prolific Ruben Moreira. Yup - it's another "mad fiddler" story. There seem to be an endless number of tales involving them!
And now, won't you join us for a "Dance of Doom!", hmmm? The art is by Leonard Starr!
This hot little number is from House of Mystery #18, September 1953, with a cover by Ruben Moreira.
Some fun art in that one. The house ad/psa below is by writer Jack Schiff and artist Win Mortimer.
And now for dessert, we'll serve up this little tidbit from H.O.M. #17, August 1953, cover and story art by Ruben Moreira.
That takes care of this weeks Comic Supplement, be sure to join us again in two weeks for some comic book stories from a completely different genre, as we always do.
Until then - stay warm!
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